The ASC monitors State appraiser licensing and certification regulatory programs for compliance with Title XI for Appraiser and AMC programs

Use the map or list view to find information about each state or territory.

West Virginia

Appraiser Program Point of Contact

Jeffrey Burrell
Executive Director
Mailing Address

Real Estate Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board
405 Capitol Street
Suite 906
Charleston, WV 25301
United States


AMC Program Point of Contact

Jeffrey Burrell
Mailing Address

Real Estate Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board
405 Capitol Street Suite 906
Charleston, WV 25301
United States


Appraiser Compliance Review Findings

Current Finding:
November 2023
Review Cycle:

AMC Compliance Review Findings

Current Finding:
November 2023
Review Cycle:

ASC Policy Manager

Maria Brown

Summary Reports

State Contact Information

Download a PDF of all States contact information

Appraiser Compliance Review Findings

View a list of States appraiser regulatory program findings

AMC Compliance Review Findings

View a list of States AMC regulatory program findings

How ASC Monitors State Compliance

The ASC monitors how each State's regulatory program:
  • recognizes and enforces the standards, requirements and procedures pre­scribed by Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (Title XI),
  • has adequate authority to carry out its Title XI-related functions,
  • makes decisions consistent with Title XI concerning appraisal stan­dards, appraiser qualifications, supervision of appraiser practices and registration of AMCs.
The ASC's Compliance Review process is risk-based review process, focusing on areas of State Appraiser or AMC Programs that are not in compliance with Title XI or that exhibit characteristics which could lead to non-compliance. The ASC's rating criteria for Compliance Review Reports focus on three key components:
  • Complying with Title XI mandates and requirements of ASC Policy Statements
  • Maintaining a strong regulatory program
  • Limiting overall risk of Program failure

More information on how ASC monitors State real estate appraiser and AMC regulatory programs is available in ASC Annual Reports.