Appraiser Registry Report

Michael F Waldron

0With Disciplinary Action

How do I update credentials?

Contact the state agency directly

  • To update any information listed
  • For additional information regarding registration not listed here


First Name Michael
Middle NameF
Last NameWaldron
Name Suffix
Company Name Waldron & Associates, Inc.
Street 205 S Orange St
City Orange
State CA
Zip 92866
Telephone 714-771-1100
Status Active
Credential Number AG011796
Credential Type Certified General
Effective Date of Credential 07-08-2015
Expiration Date of Credential 07-07-2025
Conforms to AQB Yes
Future Effective Date
Future Expiration Date
California Website
California Email
State Data Last Updated On
Disciplinary and Other Actions The National Registry reports as public information active disciplinary actions that limit an appraiser’s ability to appraise (current revocations, suspensions, and voluntary surrenders in lieu of discipline).
Discipline Action Type Effective Date Ending Date
Monetary Fine
Temporary Discipline Actions
Temporary Practice Number State License ID State Action Description End Date State Date Issuing State