The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council met on August 7, 2020, via WebEx, and a quorum of the Council being present, took the following action: pursuant to § 1119(b) of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended, the Council approved the temporary waiver extension approved by the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) on July 29, 2020, as follows:

1. A temporary waiver of appraiser credentialing requirements for appraisals of FRTs under $1,000,000 for commercial real estate transactions throughout the State of North Dakota is extended for an additional one-year period, expiring August 7, 2021.

2. During the additional one-year period, Requesters are expected to continue efforts to develop, through continued dialogue with the Appraiser Board and other North Dakota stakeholders, a plan to identify potential solutions to address appraiser scarcity and appraisal delays.

3. The ASC pursuant to 12 CFR 1102.7 may terminate this waiver order on a finding that significant delays in the receipt of appraisals for FRTs no longer exists, or that the terms and conditions of the order are not being satisfied.

The Order was posted in the August 13, 2020 issue of the Federal Register.

